Artist Official Website


The following pages describes technical issues or advises in order to let you browse our site in a confortable way. Browsers, settings, internet options, and cookies are fully covered hereafter.

If you encounter any problems while browsing our site, please send us an email. We will then be aware of existing problems and if possible give you an advise and do our best to solve access or specific browsing problems.

How to use our Website
Recommended browsers

Pascal Escoyez Site doesn't recommend a specific browser as our team has not real preferences. Being a Microsoft Explorer a Firefox a Safari or a Netscape Navigator addict on PC or Macintosh platform, our site should normally be available and deliver access to all its available functions.

However, if you want to be able to display windows, menu and use all our site features, you will need a version 4 browser. The versions tested for which we can certify that our site is available are the following :

o Microsoft Explorer 7.0 with last service pack
o Microsoft Explorer 8.0 with last service pack
o Microsoft Explorer 9.0 with last service pack
o Microsoft Explorer 10.0 with last service pack
o Microsoft Explorer 11.0 with last service pack
o Firefox Explorer for all version from version 1.6
o Safari pour Windows version 5 or above
o Google Chrome all versions last recommended
o Opera version 10.10 and above recommended
o Safari for Macintosh version 5 or above
o Safari for Ipad and Iphone in all versions (*)
o Navigateurs for Android tablets in all versions (*)
o Navigateurs for blackberry in all versions (*)
o Navigateurs fpr Windows phone (ex Lumia 925) in all versions (*)

(*) : On some smartphones and tablets music tracks might not be able to start automatically.

The versions not tested or not working and not supported are :

o Microsoft Explorer 4.5 for Macintosh. This version is causing too much problems
o Microsoft Explorer 5.0 for Macintosh. This version is causing too much problems
o Microsoft Explorer 4.0 with service pack 2 : too old and no more used
o Microsoft Explorer 5.0 with last service pack : too old and no more used
o Microsoft Explorer 5.5 with last service pack : too old and no more used
o Microsoft Explorer 6.0 with last service pack : too old and no more used
o Netscape Navigator 4.6 and later versions for Macintosh : too old and no more used
o Netscape Navigator.4.x,6.x and 7.x for Windows : too old, no more used and not supporting Javascript correctly
o Aol self browsers. Aol environments cause problems with lifts, images compressions and java. We recommend to use the MSIE browser or Firefox in stand alone.

All skins environment like Orange and so on can also cause errors. We recommend to use the native browser to bypass these tools.
Should you encounter any problems using these browsers or others browsers on other platform, feel free to contact our support team.

Display settings

Sphere site support various display settings from 800 * 600 pixels or higher.
We advise to use 32 bits color or more and small fonts ont the settings page of your PC display property or on your display settings if you are using a Macintosh.

Internet options

Internet settings might be important when using a site using a database.
Check our Recommended browser section on this page for basic site configuration using

Because the site is using databases we recommend to set your "Check for newer version of stored pages" to the "Every visit to the page", "every time" or "Automatic" value.
In case of missing data or any problems to configure a browser or internet options contact our support team.

Using cookies

Cookies has always been an hot internet subject.

At Sphere we use it to detect any registred user and provide him with the latest used sessions variables and settings.

Sphere site issues a cookie creation or update when a new or updated regitration occurs. A cookie is a file stored in the temporary Internet files of your computer. The file is checked when you browse any page of our site to allow user identification and provide the required defaults.

Cookies might be considered as invasion of privacy by certain users. However, this fear is completely unfounded because one web server can't read another web server's cookies. The World Wide Web Consortium has endorsed cookie as a standard as well as most browsers now have the ability to use and manage cookies which are part of the usual way of working when using Internet.

However, your browser must be configured to accept cookies usage. Please consult the help files of your browser to check how to set cookies in order to let the sphere works normally.

In case of missing data or any problems to configure a browser to handle and accept cookies, fell free to contact our support team.