Artist Official Website

Martin O'Sullivan

Martin O'Sullivan trained as a violinist at the Dublin Music Conservatory and played in the Irish National Youth Orchestra. He is also a singer. From 1999 to 2011, he taught music at the Caves à Musique in Tergnier in the Aisne and again from 2005 to 2011.

He was a member of the bands Etats d'Ames and Mouches du Dragon.

He is currently a member of the APEM 24 Symphony Orchestra in the Dordogne and runs a music workshop at the Collège Anne Frank in Périgueux.

Were we to define his "style" of music, it would be a blend of manouche, tzigane (gypsy), klezmer, not to mention traditional Irish music and classical music. He transports us to some very unique places.

He has recorded a number of albums with the following artists: Sam, Wendy Nazaré, Amélie Morin, Dimitri.Nirman, Pascal Escoyez, Marc Bienne, Paryzyane, MaEva.


Martin is a regular in our studio. Having worked with him on many projects both before and after this one, it is always a pleasure to see him play in so many different styles and so well.

From his improvisation on "Hope" to the violins he wrote for "Smoke" and "Green", thanks to Martin, our string section took on a magical realism and a dose of pure emotion…